I went for a cycle yesterday despite the bad weather. A nice long one, about 60km. I ran into some problems with my gears again and was limited to about 4 usable gears, but it worked out okay in the end. I went from my home in Blacklion, across to Belcoo, then out the Garrison road. Here I hit wind, strong wind, right in my face! It didn't stop until I got to Garrison and turned left to head to Rossinver. Then the wind was coming from the side, through the trees.
After a long climb up the hill outside Rossinver, I had the best part of the cycle, a long fast downhill on decent roads. I got up as far as 57km/h. It was hair raising in parts because I didn't know the road. Into Manorhamilton and I had to slow down going through the town, then take a left by the Bee Park and out the Glenfarne road. I turned off onto the Kiltyclogher road to stay off the main and windy road and turned off here after about 2km. Then over to Glenfarne school and off left up a small country road. Another long hard hill and then down the other side. I couldn't let go here because the road was only wide enough for one car to drive on. I got to the Ballroom of Romance in Glenfarne and turned left towards Blacklion. I had the wind behind me and flew along for the rest of the way home.
Over all it took me just over 2 hours and with the wind and hills I was pretty happy with the time. No real stiffness today, so that's another bonus.