Friday 3 April 2009

100 burpee challenge

I decided a couple of days ago to start a new challenge after reading this blog. It might soud a little weird, but it starts really easily. Start with one burpee on day one, and add one extra every day for 100 days. This means that on day 30, I will have to do 30 burpees and on day 100, I will have to do 100 of them.

If I miss some on any given they, they have to made up the next day. Unfortunately I can't make them up beforehand so there will be no sneaky making up extra in the early days :)

I'll be keeping a log of how and when I do them on Jaiku at my jaiku page

For anyone that doesn't know what a burpee is, here's a you tube video demonstration:
Burpee demo


Anonymous said...

Will you be getting rings for the real challenge? You need to do the tumble dismount too! :)

Mike said...

Ha! If I could find some somewhere I might give it a go. For one.

And my shoulders won't take a tumble dismount!