Monday 25 August 2008

Insoles are great for most things

I got me some insoles last week to try out over the weekend to see if they would alleviate some of the pain I've been having in my legs recently. (Don't you just love it when people self diagnose themselves on the interwebs) The ones I got were supposed to help with flat feet. Now I don't think I suffer from flat feet, but the internet never lies!

I had two matches over the weekend and managed to get through both of them with next to no shin pain. The only problem was that the arch support was a little too high. So now I have blisters under the arches on my feet. Nice open ones now after the second match. I'm some idiot!

Ah well, not much I can do about it now. I have some exercises that I am trying out that everyone seems to recommend for shin splints. Walking on my heels and then standing with my toes on a step and lifting myself up.

So in conclusion, insoles good, blisters on the arch of your foot, bad. If anyone knows of any way to heal blisters quickly, or stop them from happening again, please do leave me a comment.

Oh, and one final thing. The championship quarter final is in two weekends time.

Sunday 10 August 2008

Injured, bah!

I hate being injured. I've been trying to ignore the pain in my legs for the last few weeks, but it's finally gotten the best of me. After resting last week, and then testing it out over the weekend, I have decided that I need to go and see the physio. I have what I think are shin splints, so it might just be a case of resting and icing and resting some more :(

Monday 4 August 2008

First ever triathlon win

Heh heh heh.

There was a very very short triathlon in Glenfarne on Saturday. Glenfarne is a small village down the road from Blacklion, and they were having a festival. So some people decided to organise a triathlon for it. It consisted of a a 2km cycle, 200m swim and 2.5km run, in that order.

The cycle started off with all 6 of us (yes only 6) on the start line. I got caught in some traffic, and had to wait for a few hundred metres until one guy tired out. Then I shot past Pauline and caught up closer to Greg. No more fun on the cycle until it was time to get out of the shoes. I saw Greg unshod himself and followed suit, it was a little hairy, I think the forks on my bike are loose!

Then the swim, nice out and back. I passed Greg shortly after the turn and just managed to stay in front of Pauline. On with the shoes and bam! I was away. Nice run course through the forest and up some hills. Then back down them and around to the finish. Finished in a total of 25:43.

Pauline came in second with Greg in third, coincidentally also the order of our entry numbers.

I had training then in the evening, but was a little bit tired and full of food, so it was quite hard.

Went into Enniskillen to watch some of the polo tournament and then back home before heading to Bawnboy to play a tournament match against Templeport. We were beaten by a point in the end. My legs were starting to seize up at the end after being moved from midfield to full back. I'll have to find some ice for the rest of the week and probably give the physio a ring on Monday.